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We need papers!

Issue 9

Margins is receiving submissions once again. 


If you’ve got a paper you’re especially proud of, a daring alt-take too risqué for class, a poetic incision on something you learned, photos or even footage of your blood, sweat, and tears, send it to us and let us, as your peers, celebrate you. Save your brilliant work from the exile of your hard drive or the cloud, and let us give your ideas a voice outside the classroom. 

  •  Submit by 19 May, 2024. 

  • We welcome academic essays, book reviews, and creative works.

  • You may submit a maximum of one entry per category.

  • Submissions might be works produced as part of your university coursework or personal endeavours accomplished outside of school. 

  • Each submission will be subject to a double-blind peer review. Contributors whose submissions have been accepted can expect to participate in a revision process prior to publication. Contributors will work with student editors who will, in consultation with faculty advisors, facilitate this process over Summer AY2023/24. The Issue 9 revision process will begin no later than 31 May and end by 29 July for publication early in AY2024/25.

Send us your interpretation of literature from the margins today!

Email your submissions to In the email subject line, please write "Submission_Issue 9_<Category/Categories>_<Your Name>." Files in docx format preferred. Please allow us some time to get back to you.

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