Artist’s statement
I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
By the false azure in the windowpane;
I was the smudge of ashen fluff—and I
Lived on, flew on, in the reflected sky.
And from the inside, too, I'd duplicate
Myself, my lamp, an apple on a plate:
[Gazing into a mirror, in despair at what I am]
‘That is not it at all,
That is not who I am at all.’
When we think of drone aesthetics, what comes to mind are hypermobile perspectives—an aerial view simultaneously distant yet unerringly intimate, or a point-of-view pitching and sweeping through the air. 2084 attempts to experiment and imagine what a hypermobile drone aesthetic would look like in terms of form and genre. I felt bricolage was the best means to achieve such an aesthetic, for bricolage, as a creative process that cobbles myriad bits and pieces together, permitted 2084 to continuously flicker, transition to, or become various disparate things at once: non-fiction, music, poetry, visual media, prose, and graphic novel. Being composed out of “borrowed” media—such as photographs of contemporary events and locations, lyrics from Radiohead, poetry from T.S. Eliot, to name a few (to the reader: have fun spotting all the references!)—2084 is a grinding up and recombination of art to represent what a hypermobile work could look like: fragmented, confused, and chaotic. Perhaps what 2084 lacks in coherence it makes up for in audiovisual eloquence. It suggests a near-future that has already happened, a trajectory in flight as we read; we are already living in a world of dystopian cyberpunk science fiction.
2084 Music Instructions
There is a soundtrack accompanying the work. It can be found here:
Please play the following pieces of music while you read the following pages:
“Memory” from pages 00 to 07
“Prabhava” from pages 08 to 12
“Death Squad” from pages 13 to 16
click on the image to start
Page 0
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