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I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For:
A Defence of Thematic Difficulty in Thomas Pynchon’s V.

Prepared for publication by Celestin Tan

The author is a fourth year student of English Literature at NUS. An earlier version of this essay was written for the Pynchon and the Poetics of Information module, with thanks to David Teh for several inciting ideas that have contributed greatly to the completion of this work. Apart from Pynchon, she is an avid reader of texts that interweave science, technology and fantasy, particularly through the medium of video games. Her honours thesis was written on an analysis of the genre of science fiction and fantasy, focusing on the metatextual and gamic aspects of SFF texts, including that of Iain M. Banks and Diana Wynne Jones. Outside of reading and playing video games, her hobbies include gardening, long walks, and playing instruments badly.

The Violence Within: Seamus Heaney’s Poetics of Artifice and the Inward Territory of the Imagination
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